Step-by-Step Guide to Adding a New Domain in cPanel – HostingN

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Add a Domain in cPanel

  1. Log in to your cPanel account using your username and password.


  2. Once logged in, you will be presented with the cPanel dashboard. Look for the “Domains” section, which is usually located near the top or in a prominent position.


  3. In the “Domains” section, click on the “Create a new domain” or “Domains” option. This may vary depending on the version of cPanel or the theme used by your hosting provider.


  4. On the “Addon Domains” or “Domains” page, you will find a form to add a new domain. Fill in the following details:
  • New Domain: Enter the full domain name you wish to add (e.g.,
  • Subdomain/FTP Username: cPanel will automatically populate this field based on the domain name you entered. You can modify it if desired.
  • Document Root: Specify the directory where you want to store the files for the new domain. By default, cPanel suggests a path based on the domain name. You can change it if needed.
  1. Once you have filled in the required information, click on the “Add Domain” or “Add” button to proceed.


  2. cPanel will now create the necessary configuration and folder structure for the new domain. Once the process is complete, you will see a success message indicating that the domain has been added successfully.
  3. You can now upload your website files to the designated directory mentioned in the “Document Root” field. To do this, you can use the cPanel’s built-in File Manager, an FTP client, or any other method you prefer.
That’s it! You have successfully added a new domain in cPanel. You can now start managing the domain, creating email accounts, installing applications, and performing other necessary tasks associated with your website.

Last Update: November 10, 2024